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the story behind
the london brownery.

long story short: we got tired of people plopping a biscuit or chocolate piece on a brownie and calling it flavoured. so we decided to do brownies justice.

the backstory

so, here’s the deal: we’re three siblings who somehow managed to create a company without strangling each other.

after the days started to blur into one, becoming victims of the lockdown boredom, laeba (chief baker) all of a sudden decided she now liked baking. having eventually ingested enough brownies to kill a horse, subaan (tech and finance bro) and afnaan (gen z marketing boi) realised there was nowhere where they could buy anything similar to these brownies. that’s where the idea sprung - ‘why don’t we start selling them?’. would be kinda rude to keep them to ourselves anyway

the journey so far

laeba left her corporate job in december 2023 to go all in brownies and bootstrapped tlb with savings and moral support. we soft-launched at london muslim shopping festival in february 2024, then started taking online orders the next month once subaan finished his med-school side hustle and finally had the time to make the website. afnaan also started the social media grind, but he wasn't revising before anyway.

we've since exhibited at the national geographic traveller food festival and the specialty & fine food fair.

following on from what seemed to be a perfect idea, we realised setting up and running a company isn’t all fun and games but we got there in the end.

a polaroid shot of the 3 sibling owners of the london brownery after they sold out at their first event